Sunday, January 18, 2009

Overview of the Past Week

Let's go back in time for a moment, to last Sunday. There was a CES Fireside at the Marriot Center. So all my roommates and I went to go hear President Monson speak! And do you see how close we were?! It was an awesome experience, it was the first time I have ever been in the presence of the prophet. It was pretty much amazing... Pres. Monson gave such a wonderful talk, he really is a prophet of God! And I was very privileged to be in his presence. Here is Amy, me, Holli, and Whit all waiting for the fireside to start. Then on Monday, for FHE we went to the Bean Museum. And no, it is not a museum of different beans, that is just the name of the guy who did something for it or whatever. But the museum is filled with tons of stuffed animals. It was so much fun! Here is my FHE family in front of this huge bear.
And then we saw lions. RAAAR!!!
Tuesday afternoon, Elder Holland gave the talk at the devotional. And holy cow, what a powerful speaker this man is. His talk was amazing. I absolutely loved it! Then on Tuesday night, I met up with Whitney after studio and we watched the men's BYU basketball game! Woohoo!!! It was sooo much fun! It was my first BYU sports game ever. I must admit though, it was pretty exciting. And we got "Lee Cummard" sweat bands. yeah... pretty cool.
ha ha...
The rest of the week was just the usual. School, work, and practicing. I did hang out with my cousins, Blaine and Ginger Pitney, last night. It was good to see them after not seeing them for so long. Other than that, nothing special. Overall, it was a good week for me. Not going to lie. So until next time...

2 thoughts:

Dawn said...

Sounds like you have been having some fun. That's great! Keep working hard but be sure to stop and have a little fun now and then.
Love you and Jess!

Cami said... you commented on my blog..FINALLY! so I am commenting on yours : ) Hows you know what going...did you do what I told you to?